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Mensagens : 67
Data de inscrição : 30/01/2022

Codex:[Pisces] Empty Codex:[Pisces]

Seg Fev 07, 2022 8:55 pm
Name:[Her Imperious Condescension/Meenah Peixes]
Race:[Imperial Mermaid]
Class:[Elemental Mage/Warrior]
Her Imperious Condescension, also known by the eight-letter ancestral title the Condesce , is the Mother of Saphyren Peixes and Feferi Peixes and the empress of Atlantis,While she initially appears as a dignified sinister ruler, the little of her personality that has been revealed is surprisingly lax. She speaks in a very informal manner and is quite fond of clowns and glitter.

Name:[Saphyren Peixes]
Race:[Imperial Mermaid]
Class:[Elemental Mage/Invocador]

Name:[Feferi Peixes]
Race:[Imperial Mermaid]
Class:[Mago Elemental]

Feferi is eager and almost entirely optimistic and fearless. Even when confronted by the Cecaelia that terrified Atlantis, Feferi remains gleeful and insists that they are not so bad once one gets to know them. Her tolerance towards them comes from the interactions with her monstrous Pets.
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