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Mensagens : 67
Data de inscrição : 30/01/2022

Codex:[Makara/Capri] Empty Codex:[Makara/Capri]

Dom Fev 06, 2022 11:32 pm
Name:[Ghb makara]
A high-ranking Nobel, the Grand Highblood seems to have a leadership position among the subjugglators, possibly being one of the "HIGH MOTHERFUCKIN SUBJUGGLATORSHS" referred to by his Sons. One of the most mysterious of the Dukes, little is known about the life of the Grand Highblood,He seemed to be a long-time rival of Dualscar's, mocking the sea elfs effort in seducing The Condesce.

Name:[Gamzee Makara]

Gamzee appears to be the tiefling equivalent of a Juggalo, belonging to a cult of capricious minstrels, and his text is littered with references to Juggalo subculture, Though he swears very frequently, he is a very good-natured and laidback tiefling. He is without question a supportive friend and will do things and make sacrifices.Because of his magnanimous personality, Gamzee will frequently act as an advisor or even a therapist to his friends, such as Karkat and Eridan, if they are experiencing emotional stress, though his usual counseling involves suggesting that they wait for a miracle.

Name:[Kurloz Makara]

Outwardly, he seems harmless enough, usually responding only with a silent smile to most provocations, though he did flip Cronus off when pressed further,Aranea and Cronus have all expressed unease towards him, which is not entirely unfounded. He has no qualms with using his enemies as a puppet via his chucklevoodoos. That shouldn't be surprising however, as he is also aiding his lord in slaying all of his heretic rivals and enemies.
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